August 27, 2020
Unconventional Substance in Conventional Season

Unconventional Substance in Conventional Season

What does it take for followers of Jesus to stand in a culture that flows against us? How do we pray, and how does our biblical worldview affect our vote? For the next two months leading up to November, FRC and FRC Action is helping Americas like you become better equipped to engage your community with these issues that matter most.

On Wednesday evening, on our first Pray Vote Stand broadcast, host Tony Perkins talked with former Minnesota congresswoman and current FRC board chair Michele Bachmann about the importance of prayer during this time: "This is a time to be on offense. And the most powerful tool we have is the power of prayer. You look no further than Nehemiah 9, where the people of Israel stood confessing their sins, crying out to God, saying -- first of all -- who God is. He is mighty. He is powerful to save. He is all loving. He is just he is a speaker and giver of truth. He is the one who rebukes fear in our midst. That's where we start..."

Congressman Mike Johnson (R-La.) joined us next to talk about the differences in policy reflected in the Democratic and Republican party platforms. When Tony asked Johnson how significant the divide was between the parties on the freedom of religion, the congressman replied, "The chasm is wide, and there is a large difference between these two's really remarkable. If we rewound in history several decades, there wouldn't be much light between the two platforms on an issue like this, but today there truly is." Go watch the episode to see just how different Johnson sees the two parties are when it comes to our first freedom.

In order to vote well, we must be well-informed. FRC Action vice president Brent Keilen pointed to a host of tools FRC Action created to equip you with trusted sources to help you decide. These free resources are all listed at for you to use and share.

We also featured a special profile of what's happening with churches across the country and how one pastor in California is taking a stand for faith in the face of government oppression. Pastor Rob McCoy shared how his church was "...willing to work with the government, but when they declared the church to be nonessential in a time of pandemic, that is a clear violation of the First Amendment."

Finally, Pastor Carter Conlon tied all these points together with some encouragement from a biblical perspective in that we're not unlike those who landed in this country at Plymouth -- a small collection of people who had only God to depend upon. And it is indeed only upon God whom we can depend in these coming days. Watch the entire half-hour on-demand, and share it with your friends and family members. And be sure to join us next Wednesday (9/2) as well at 8:00 p.m. EDT for episode 2 at