"My heart is filled with love for Jesus. My mouth cannot proclaim something different." Such was the defiant stance of one Iranian Christian in the face of persecution by his own government, even with his family pleading with him to denounce the Lord. As Iranian Christian Dabrina Bet Tamraz told us today, "[t]hey go to prison, they proclaim Jesus. They come out of prison, they proclaim Jesus." In Iran today, visions are so common that fellow believers ask each other if they have seen Jesus -- they expect the experience to be shared by others. As our other guests Maryam Rostampour and Marziyeh Amirizadeh -- who both served time in prison in Iran for trying to evangelize their fellow Iranians -- told us today, such is the faith of many Iranian believers coming to the Lord, many from Muslim backgrounds.
The hour and a half today during which we held our event "Stories from Iran: Religious Freedom and the Secret Growth of the Underground Church" couldn't fit all the stories to be told, but the accounts relayed above by representative of miraculous accounts and stories which will challenge and inspire Christians in the West.
For more, watch our event!