Where can men, husbands, and fathers find a model of manhood, leadership, and strength in a culture of gender confusion? We need men to be men -- tough with compassionate strength, bent toward justice without compromise, locking arms and standing. We need them to be the people God created them to be: warriors for all that is right, true and just. Find out how at a special series of Stand Courageous Men's Conferences that FRC is launching to discuss critical aspects of masculinity.
Join Tony Perkins, Lt. General Jerry Boykin (Ret.), and Stu Weber as they unpack the man's role as defender, provider, instructor, and mentor. The first event kicks off a week from Friday night, November 15 at 6:00 p.m. in Ohio (Princeton Pike Church of God, Liberty Township). Each presenter, including local pastor Barry Clardy and Bishop Larry Jackson, will cover one of the five principles of man from General Boykin's forthcoming book, Man to Man: Protector, Provider, Instructor, Battle Buddy, and Chaplain. Attendees will also have a chance to take in breakout sessions led by Jay Riemersma, Mark Harris, and Randy Wilson, who'll bring encouragement and critical tools for success in the home, church, and community.
Registration is just $25 (or $30 at the door). If you have a group of five or more men, please call 1-800-225-4008 to register for the discounted rate of $20. First Responders are free, but you must call the 800-number to register. Lunch will be provided. Every person in attendance will also receive a program guide with room to take notes from each of the presenters. Bring your sons, the young men, and the young fathers in your communities! If you can't make it to the Ohio event, plan to join us on a later date in Baton Rouge, Pensacola, or Naples. For more information, visit our website.