Good policy ideas will go nowhere without the leadership of good policy-makers. FRC Action and FRC Action PAC meet with candidates, research their records, analyze their positions, and endorse those we believe will be principled leaders for faith, family, and freedom.


Whether you are seeking to impact public policy or gain a better understanding of issues impacting faith, family, and freedom, equip yourself with research and information compiled through the lens of a biblical worldview.


House Republicans have warned the World Health Organization (WHO) that the U.S. may "withhold all funding to the organization" if it goes forward with plans to grant special partnership status to a global abortion lobbying group.

On a warm, sunny day in Washington, D.C., a line formed outside the Capitol as the time drew nearer and nearer for the unveiling of Reverend Billy Graham's figure in Statuary Hall. Just inside the elegant room where statues of prominent figures representing America's 50 states, many gathered. An atmosphere of excitement rippled through the crowd as all awaited the moment of honoring a man famously known as "America's preacher." The U.S. Army Brass Quartet played melodies, including the hymn, "Be Thou My Vision," as guests greeted one another and found their seats. Before long, it was time for the ceremony to begin.

Lawmakers, legal experts, and analysts are decrying the nearly five-year prison sentence levied on a pro-life activist as an example of the weaponization of the federal government against citizens with disfavored political views. On Tuesday, pro-life activist Lauren Handy was sentenced to 57 months in prison for leading a group of other activists in blockading the entrance to a Washington, D.C. abortion facility in October 2020.

Some sports stars make headlines for drug abuse or acts of violence, but one football player is taking heat for publicly promoting Christian values. On Saturday, Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker delivered the commencement at the Catholic Benedictine College, encouraging young graduates to stand firm in their faith and live out authentic Christian virtues. Now, the National Football League (NFL) is playing defense and condemning Butker's speech as offensive.

California's Jurupa Unified School District (USD) Board on Monday approved a $360,000 settlement agreement for Jessica Tapia, a Christian teacher who was fired for refusing to use preferred pronouns or lie to parents about their child's gender identity. "This is wonderful news," Meg Kilgannon, senior fellow for Education Studies at Family Research Council, told The Washington Stand. "Schools behaving this way should find it is very expensive for them."

The publication of the U.K.'s groundbreaking Cass Review last month, addressing the flaws in the gender transition industry, resulted in a seismic shift across the pond: both England and Scotland halted the prescription of puberty blockers and hormone drugs to children, top clinical psychologists publicly apologized for their role in endorsing "gender-affirming care," and the British National Health Service (NHS) formally defined sex as a "biological" reality, regardless of an individual's "gender identity." Now, the report's author is warning the U.S. that medical organizations are "misleading" the public when it comes to gender transition procedures for children.


Based in Washington, D.C., FRC Action is the legislative affiliate of Family Research Council. We seek to educate and influence elected officials on Capitol Hill and in the states, activate our grassroots network, and mobilize Values Voters on behalf of faith, family, and freedom.