December 7, 2020
The Senate Is within Peach for GOP

The Senate Is within Peach for GOP

Tony Perkins

The last time Donald Trump held a rally in Georgia, it was for his own election. On Saturday, the president was back, reminding people that while his name wasn't on the ballot in the January Senate races, everything he'd done in the last four years was. This could very well be "the most important congressional runoff in American history," he told the crowd of more than 10,000 people. And this is Georgia's chance, the president urged, to send a message.

"If you don't get out and vote, they're going to win," Trump warned. "Now, you know, a lot of people -- friends of mine -- say, 'Let's not vote. We're not going to vote because we're angry about the presidential election...' They're great people. They are real friends," he said. But if Georgians listen to them and sit out the election as some sort of protest, "the radical Left wins..." He acknowledged how frustrating the presidential race has been. "[Y]ou're angry because so many votes were stolen. [The election] was taken away. And you say, 'Well, we're not going to [vote].'" Look, the president insisted, "We can't do that." In fact, he said, "...We have to do just the opposite."

If conservatives don't show up, Trump told the crowd, "the socialists and the communists win. They win. Georgia patriots must show up and vote for these two incredible people. And I'm telling you, they are two of the finest people you'll ever meet. We can fight for the presidency and fight to elect your two great senators, and we can do it at the same time... The election is about David Perdue, one of the greats, [and] Kelly Loeffler, a person who is just unbelievable."

Without them, America is looking at the most radical trifecta in U.S. history -- a Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) House, a Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) Senate, and Joe Biden and Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) in the White House. "They want to destroy the sanctity of the Supreme Court, the importance of the Supreme Court, the majesty of the Supreme Court. They'll terminate religious liberty, cancel free speech, and force you to fund extreme late-term abortion. And there will be nothing to stop them. If they don't get in, there's gonna be nothing to stop them. You have no idea how bad it will be. There will be nothing."

Of course, this isn't something Senator Loeffler's (R) opponent, Rev. Raphael Warnock (D), was eager to admit. In Sunday's runoff debate, the candidate that one Washington Post columnist agreed was "too radical for Georgia" tried (unsuccessfully) to dodge his extreme agenda. Unfortunately for Democrats, Warnock has years of political baggage -- from his documented affection for communist Cuba to his alliance with the Rev. Jeremiah Wright. On the debate stage, he struggled to find any middle ground. At one point, Warnock said he believed in free enterprise -- only to turn around and refuse to disavow socialism. On serious issues like court-packing, he shrugged. "I'm not really focused on it," he replied, apparently taking his cues from Joe Biden's school of evasion.

Meanwhile, Loeffler continued to hammer home some of his most outrageous statements, reminding Georgians that he'd called police officers "gangsters, thugs, and bullies." "He said we should empty the prisons and end cash Bail," she pointed out. "He won't keep our communities safe." Warnock tried to recover, insisting that law enforcement have an "ally" in him, but insisting that they need to be held accountable. Loeffler, sensing that he wasn't going to backtrack on his statements, reminded people, "When I gave him the chance to apologize in our first debate, he declined."

One area where Warnock has been completely unapologetic is his rabid anti-life stance. If anything, he's only tried to legitimize the killing of innocent unborn children from the pulpit. This is someone, Loeffler argued, "who uses the Bible to justify abortion." Her opponent didn't blink, firing back that he has "a profound reverence for life and an abiding respect for choice. The question," Warnock insisted, "is whose decision is it? And I happen to think that a patient's room is too small a place for a woman, her doctor and the U.S. government. I think that's too many people in the room."

FRC's David Closson took issue with Warnock's stance, arguing in a column for Western Journal that "Although Warnock is a pastor, his public statements make it clear that his theology and political views are not in step with a biblical worldview. Scripture is unequivocally clear that the unborn are human persons whom God knows in the womb."

If both Democrats are elected, their dangerous ideologies that won't just hurt Georgia -- but our entire country. As the president said, "You have to get out, you have to vote... [and] you must vote for David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler. With your help, we are going to continue our mission to save America."

To spread the word on how the Georgia candidates stack up on life, religious freedom, sexuality, family, and so much more, share FRC Action's voter guides -- now available in English and Spanish on