CONTACT: J.P. Duffy or Joshua Arnold, (866) FRC-NEWS or (866)-372-6397

Family Research Council Action Ad Campaign Calls On Rep. Cindy Axne to Sign Discharge Petition on Born Alive Act

WASHINGTON, DC: Family Research Council Action (FRC Action) launched a social media ad campaign this week in District 3 of Iowa that calls on U.S. Rep. Cindy Axne to End Birth Day Abortion. While House Democratic leadership continues to block the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, House Minority Whip Steve Scalise has filed a discharge petition to force a vote on the measure if a simple majority of members signed. Currently, the discharge petition has gathered 199 signatures (a record 191 on the first day), from both Republicans and Democrats, but it requires 218 signatures. Rep. Cindy Axne has not yet signed.

Family Research Council Action President Tony Perkins made the following comments:

“The goal of our End Birth Day Abortion ad is to awaken Americans to the atrocity of sanctioned infanticide that states like New York have opened the door to and prompt them to act by calling their Member of Congress and urging him or her to sign the Born Alive discharge petition. We are launching commercials in congressional districts where we believe that enough pressure can turn the tide on infanticide.

“This isn't about abortion. It's not about red versus blue. It's about right versus wrong. How we decide this issue will define America’s future.

“We call on Rep. Cindy Axne to sign Minority Whip Steve Scalise’s and Rep. Ann Wagner’s discharge petition to allow a vote for the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. This bill would ensure that infants born alive will be fully protected by federal law and be provided the same care as any wanted baby born alive,” concluded Perkins.

The new ad features a child singing “Happy Birthday” as the silhouette of an infant lies kicking on a table, crying softly. Suddenly, a shadowy abortionist enters the screen, and the infant stops crying as the screen goes black. It concludes with a printed message urging voters in District 3 of Iowa to call their Representative and urge her to sign the discharge petition for the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.

The narrator says the following: "In New York, Virginia, Vermont, they’re expanding abortion, allowing killing after birth. End birth day abortions. Urge Congress to protect the life of every newborn. Visit”

Click here to watch the ad:

Call Rep. Cindy Axne office at (202) 225-5476.

See which Members of Congress have already signed at
