Biden Administration Actions Addressing Life, Family, and Religious Freedom
In his inaugural address on January 20, 2021, President Joe Biden made a firm commitment to unity: "Today, on this January day, my whole soul is in this: Bringing America together. Uniting our people. And Uniting our Nation." These words, while comforting, now appear to be nothing but a hollow promise. Biden's presidency thus far has been marked by actions that have further divided our nation, especially when it comes to the issues of life, family, and religious freedom. His administration has moved more aggressively than any previous presidential administration to undo federal pro-life policies and promote abortion, dismantle the biological realities of men and women in federal policy, and promote the LGBT agenda. He has also failed to uphold religious freedom in a satisfactory fashion, both at home and abroad.
In all of this, the Biden administration has seemed to be driven more by ideology than by the truth. Here are the top five lies that have been perpetuated by this administration:
- Weakened safety standards for the abortion pill regimen do not pose a threat to women.
- Military readiness requires taxpayers to cover abortion-related expenses for servicemembers.
- Self-perceived gender identity always overrides biological distinctions between the sexes.
- Civically engaged American citizens are violent domestic terrorists.
- Protecting minors from harmful, irreversible gender reassignment procedures is illegal discrimination and potentially fatal.
To see a full list of the Biden administration's actions on life, family, and religious freedom separated by year, click the arrows below.
- Repealed the Trump administration's Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance Policy (PLGHA), which prohibited global health funds from going to foreign non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that perform or promote abortion.
- Withdrew from the U.S.-led Geneva Consensus Declaration, a 34-country agreement that declared abortion is not an international human right and should never be promoted as a method of family planning.
- Took steps to resume funding of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), which continues to partner with China despite the country's coercive abortion and sterilization practices.
- Ordered a review of the Trump administration's Protect Life Rule that governed Title X family planning funding.
On July 5, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) issued guidance announcing to federal employees that they may use paid sick leave for traveling to obtain “medical care.” Although the guidance did not explicitly mention abortion, the timing of its release (three days after the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization) and its inclusion in a subsequent White House fact sheet on the Biden administration’s efforts to protect abortion affirm that this guidance was meant to approve the use of taxpayer-funded sick leave for abortion travel.
On February 2, the Internal Revenue Service, the Employee Benefits Security Administration, and HHS published a proposed rule to modify Affordable Care Act regulations regarding required coverage of contraceptives. Although the proposed rule retains prior religious exemptions, it eliminates the moral exemption for contraception coverage included in a previous Trump administration rule, thereby exposing non-religiously affiliated employers who object to contraception on moral grounds to fines for failing to abide by the mandate. The proposed rule would also create a program that would divert exchange user fees in a manner that would financially benefit the abortion industry.
On April 12, HHS announced that it was seeking a grant recipient to create a national “hotline” to counsel individuals on how to obtain family planning services, including abortion.
On October 2, the Administration for Children and Families at HHS released a proposed rule that would remove funding for pro-life pregnancy resource centers through the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program because the centers supposedly do not accomplish a TANF purpose. However, pregnancy resource centers accomplish several TANF purposes defined in law, such as providing “assistance to needy families so that children may be cared for in their own homes or in the homes of relatives” (42 U.S.C. 601(a)).
On October 3, HHS issued a proposed rule that would codify a policy in the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) of facilitating abortions for minors in ORR custody, including transport across state lines to receive such procedures.
On January 29, HHS Secretary Becerra joined Vice President Harris on a Fight for Reproductive Freedoms tour, during which he delivered remarks on the work that the Biden administration is doing to promote abortion. He erroneously equated abortion with life-saving health care, saying, “We’re protecting your right to emergency medical care to save your life and stabilize your health.” In truth, such medical care for women is not threatened by pro-life laws, and continuing to spread such misinformation may actually contribute to public confusion and jeopardize women’s health.
On February 29, in the wake of an Alabama Supreme Court decision that frozen embryos left over from in-vitro fertilization (IVF) are protected under the state’s Wrongful Death of a Minor Act, HHS Secretary Becerra visited Birmingham, Alabama, where he spread a mistaken view of the ruling, falsely claiming to CNN that “If you’re looking to have a family, all of a sudden, you’re told that you could face prosecution.” In reality, the ruling did not make IVF illegal but simply upheld the rights of three sets of Alabama parents using IVF whose embryos were negligently and tragically destroyed.
On March 1, in the wake of an Alabama Supreme Court decision that frozen embryos left over from IVF are protected under the state’s Wrongful Death of a Minor Act, Vice President Harris posted a brief video on X of her meeting with an Alabama woman seeking IVF in the state. Labeling the Alabama Supreme Court as “extremists,” her post falsely accused the Court of “attack[ing]” IVF, even though the decision simply upheld the rights of three sets of Alabama parents using IVF whose embryos were negligently and tragically destroyed.
On March 8, HHS, through the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), announced its approval of Utah’s extension of comprehensive healthcare coverage for postpartum women through Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) for a full 12 months (as opposed to 60 days, previously). This move will help new mothers in Utah who may not otherwise qualify to receive healthcare coverage for themselves and their children through Medicaid and CHIP for a full year after they give birth. Utah is the 45th state to extend this coverage.
On March 8, the DOD released a memorandum detailing the expansion of its assistive reproductive technology policy to cover a servicemember’s unmarried partner or third-party surrogate and to allow the use of donor sperm, eggs, and embryos for the first time. This move will promote motherlessness and fatherlessness through the use of donor eggs, sperm, and embryos; further the exploitation of women through surrogacy; and perpetuate the death and destruction of human beings at the earliest stage of life, as only a small minority of embryos created through IVF result in a live birth.
On March 11, the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs announced that it was expanding its IVF policy for veterans to extend the provision of the procedure to eligible unmarried veterans and same-sex couples and to allow the use of donor sperm and eggs for the first time. This move will promote motherlessness and fatherlessness through the use of donor eggs and sperm. It will further perpetuate the death and destruction of human beings at the earliest stage of life, as only a small minority of embryos created through IVF result in a live birth.
Family and Religious Freedom
- Revoked President Trump's memorandum on "Military Service by Transgender Individuals" dated March 23, 2018, and disregarded the in-depth DOD study that was the foundation of this memorandum. The study details the harms of allowing those who identify as transgender to openly serve according to their gender identity.
- Stated that someone's gender identity should not bar them from military service.
- Cited the Obama administration-era DOD study that erroneously concluded: "permitting transgender individuals to serve openly in the military was consistent with military readiness and with strength through diversity."
- Established the policy that all transgender individuals who want to serve in the military and "can meet the appropriate standards" should be able to do so openly and free from discrimination.
- Directed the DOD and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to implement this policy.
- "Ensure appropriate training is in place so that relevant Federal Government personnel and key partners can effectively identify and respond to the particular needs of LGBTQI+ refugees and asylum seekers, including by providing to them adequate assistance and ensuring that the Federal Government takes all appropriate steps, such as potential increased use of Embassy Priority-1 referrals, to identify and expedite resettlement of highly vulnerable persons with urgent protection needs."
- "Consider appropriate responses, including using the full range of diplomatic and assistance tools and, as appropriate, financial sanctions, visa restrictions, and other actions" when "foreign governments move to restrict the rights of LGBTQI+ persons or fail to enforce legal protections in place, thereby contributing to a climate of intolerance."
- Rescind inconsistent policies and report on progress.
- The accompanying fact sheet says: "The Partnerships Office's initial work will include collaborating with civil society to: address the COVID-19 pandemic and boost economic recovery; combat systemic racism; increase opportunity and mobility for historically disadvantaged communities; and strengthen pluralism. The office will also support agency partnerships that advance the United States Government's diplomatic, international development, and humanitarian work around the world." This shift replaces the priority of preserving religious liberty with a priority of ensuring that religious entities who want to work with the government do not operate according to their religious beliefs that are counter to LGBT ideology.
- "The Department of State, the Department of Labor, and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) are "leveraging diplomatic engagement and foreign assistance to promote practices and policies […] including efforts which lead to the decriminalization of consensual same-sex status."
- "The Department of State-managed Global Equality Fund (GEF), which is a public-private partnership of like-minded governments, businesses, and foundations that supports civil society programs to […] provides assistance to locally-owned efforts to advance law reform."
- "Since its launch in 2011, the Global Equality Fund has provided more than $83 million in funding through small grants, emergency and rapid response assistance, and support for more than 50 technical assistance projects in more than 100 countries worldwide."
- "USAID manages the Multi-Donor LGBTI Global Human Rights Initiative, which leverages financial and technical contributions from Sweden and Canada to support locally-led LGBTQI+ organizations."
- "Creating a Gender Expansive guidance workgroup formed to develop a Departmental Regulation (DR) for transitioning employees, including for transgender, gender nonconforming, and nonbinary individuals;
- "Producing guidance for the use of Gender Inclusive language in all agencies' internal and external communications;
- "Developing guidance and streamlining processes to eliminate barriers and expedite IT systems updates to reflect correct gender identity for transitioning employees;
- "Developing guidelines for collections and utilization of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) data in employment and USDA programs to ensure a diverse workforce; and
- "Holding LGBTQI+ External Stakeholder listening sessions with Deputy Secretary Bronaugh."
- Directs HHS and ED to advance a radical agenda regarding human sexuality:
- HHS is directed to protect access to medical experimentation that has demonstrable harms, especially to children.
- HHS is directed to target therapy for those struggling with unwanted same-sex attraction or gender confusion and to consider banning such therapy.
- The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is encouraged to consider deeming such therapy an “unfair or deceptive practice.”
- HHS is directed to establish an initiative to partner with state child welfare agencies that will surely be designed to hinder the ability of faith-based providers to assist those in need in their communities.
- ED is directed to take actions that will lead to the further indoctrination of children and push a radical gender ideology that is harmful to female students and more.
On January 19, the U.S State Department published two proposed rules (see here and here) that seek to implement non-discrimination principles in foreign assistance activities. Unfortunately, the restrictions listed are so all-encompassing as to disqualify religious and traditionally minded organizations from contracting or receiving grants to provide valuable humanitarian assistance and would ultimately serve to further promote the Biden administration’s radical ideologies abroad. Click here and here to read FRC’s comments.
On February 16, the DOJ issued a readout of the Civil Rights Division’s Quarterly LGBTQI+ Community Stakeholder Meeting. Representatives from at least six other federal agencies were in attendance. This readout touted efforts to oppose protections for children from experimentation, prevent those who believe in the scientific reality of the sexual binary from fully participating in the adoption and foster care system, and more.
On February 16, HHS announced more than $5 million in awards focused on providing mental and behavioral health resources to same-sex attracted individuals or individuals struggling with gender confusion. These supposed resources actually deny reality and support harmful behavior and delusions. The announcement also noted efforts to undermine and prevent therapeutic interventions that have shown to be helpful.
On March 12, the DOJ announced that the Utah Department of Corrections had violated the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) because it did not provide harmful cross-sex hormones to a male inmate who identified as a woman. This is despite clear language in the ADA that gender identity disorders are not considered covered disabilities.
On March 29, HHS released 20 statements in support of Transgender Day of Visibility. Secretary Becerra applauded harmful interventions that aren’t proven effective for helping those struggling with gender confusion. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services praised the agencies’ continued efforts to push for taxpayers to cover the cost of these harmful interventions. Also, the Assistant Secretary for Global Affairs extolled the administration’s social imperialism agenda of pushing the LGBT ideology on other nations.
On March 29, President Biden issued a proclamation on Transgender Day of Visibility that chronicled many of the harmful and ideologically driven actions he has taken to advance the LGBT agenda. He decried state laws that protect children from harmful interventions that mutilate their bodies and protect parents’ rights to raise their children as they see fit as “extreme and un-American.” He also repeated his call for passage of the Equality Act.
On March 31, the U.S. State Department issued a statement on Transgender Day of Visibility, continuing to promote the social imperialism of pushing LGBT ideology on other nations.
International Religious Freedom
On January 12, President Biden issued a proclamation on Religious Freedom Day. He stressed the importance of fighting for religious freedom globally and highlighted his administration’s foreign policies against countries that violate religious freedoms, including sanctions, visa restrictions, export controls, and the denial of imports.
* This page includes actions taken by some independent agencies. We include them because the leaders of these agencies are nominated either by the president or by the president and Congressional leadership, such that a majority of voting members are from the president's political party.