Good policy ideas will go nowhere without the leadership of good policy-makers. FRC Action and FRC Action PAC meet with candidates, research their records, analyze their positions, and endorse those we believe will be principled leaders for faith, family, and freedom.


Whether you are seeking to impact public policy or gain a better understanding of issues impacting faith, family, and freedom, equip yourself with research and information compiled through the lens of a biblical worldview.


In early 2023, North Dakota passed legislation that required public schools to show "a high-definition video, at least three minutes in duration, showing the development of the brain, heart, sex organs, and other vital organs in early fetal development." ND House Bill 1265 faced its share of scrutiny from the Left, as lawmakers across the country such as Iowa State Representative Jennifer Konfrst (D) claimed a video mapping out fetal development "is just politics" and "not scientifically correct."

Democrats are waging a "lawfare" campaign against former President Donald Trump, but it may actually be hurting Joe Biden's reelection efforts. According to the latest Harvard CAPS/Harris poll, voters will be largely split if a jury convicts the former president of crimes. If Trump were to be convicted either "of crimes related to his handling of classified presidential documents" or "for RICO in trying to influence the 2020 election results in Georgia," voters would be split 50% to 50% between Trump and Biden. However, if Trump were to be convicted "for inciting the Capitol riots of January 6th," he would beat Biden 52% to 48%.

Unfortunately, however prominent its art and wealth may be, Nigeria is responsible for the most violent persecution of Christians in all of Africa. And, tragically, the brutal violence against those endangered believers continues to escalate. Ferocious attacks by radical Islamists continues to rip apart the nation's vulnerable Christian population.

Pro-life pregnancy resource centers - which have faced dozens of vicious attacks, from vandalism to firebombings - are now defending themselves on another front: the court room. On Tuesday, they fought back for their constitutional rights and the right of mothers to carry wanted babies to a healthy delivery.

It looks like Donald Trump won't be the only president spending a lot of time in court this summer. Thanks to Joe Biden's universally despised (and unconstitutionally executed) changes to Title IX, this White House now finds itself on the wrong side of an avalanche of lawsuits. The legal floodgates opened Monday, within hours of the Biden administration finalizing its radical rewrite of 52 years of women's rights. And conservatives warn: this is just the beginning.

Last week, President Joe Biden "announced plans to kneecap lady athletes: introducing sweeping, radical changes to Title IX that would trample on fairness for females in locker rooms, sports and other single-sex spaces. All with absolutely no regard for biological reality," the New York Post wrote. This alone sparked immense outrage from those who care about protecting biological women from LGBT agendas. But adding gasoline to the fire, only days later, the Health and Human Services Department (HHS) made known their plans to include "gender identity" alongside the definition of "sex" under Section 1557 of Obamacare.


Based in Washington, D.C., FRC Action is the legislative affiliate of Family Research Council. We seek to educate and influence elected officials on Capitol Hill and in the states, activate our grassroots network, and mobilize Values Voters on behalf of faith, family, and freedom.