Tell President Biden not to waive U.S. sovereignty in a pandemic agreement!


The World Health Organization pandemic agreement that has been negotiated by the Biden administration since last May threatens America's sovereignty.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) leads the U.S. delegation to the 77th World Health Assembly.

The HHS’ Office of Global Affairs is accepting written comments from the public via email, as well as holding a stakeholder “listening” session. You can comment even if you don't attend or speak at the listening session.

Written comments are welcome and encouraged whether or not you are attending the listening session and should be emailed to with the subject line, “Written Comment Re: Stakeholder Listening Session for WHA77.” The comment deadline is Friday, May 3, 2024.

If you wish to attend the listening session, send your full name, email address, and organization, if any, and indicate whether you are registering as a listen-only attendee or as a speaker participant to If you wish to speak, include:

  1. Your name and email address,
  1. The organization(s) you represent, and
  1. The primary agenda item(s) of interest, listed in order of priority.

The listening session will cover items on the provisional agenda of the 77th World Health Assembly. The provisional agenda can be found here.

We have prepared a sample email which you can copy and paste for your email to HHS.

Note: We encourage you to personalize the message, but the subject line provided should remain exactly the same to ensure that your comment is considered.


Subject: Written Comment Re: Stakeholder Listening Session for WHA77

Body of the email:

I am writing to express my concerns about the proposed World Health Organization (WHO) Pandemic Preparedness Agreement. Signing this agreement would give more power to an unelected, unaccountable, international organization and threaten national sovereignty, free speech, and human dignity. 

The Agreement restricts U.S. sovereignty, including 1) requiring the U.S. to give the WHO "a minimum of 20 percent" of all "pandemic-related products," such as vaccines, for global redistribution, 2) allowing unelected bureaucrats to make critical decisions in the soon-to-be-established "Conference of the Parties," and 3) giving The Hague jurisdiction over members’ disputes.

The Agreement’s "One Health" approach is also deeply disturbing, as it equates the infinite dignity of human life to that of animals and plants. Preserving the environment at this standard would likely come at the steep cost of decreasing the standard of living for human beings.

The Agreement also undermines free speech by calling for "effective international collaboration" to "combat false, misleading, misinformation or disinformation."

For these reasons and others, I oppose the WHO Pandemic Preparedness Agreement, and I urge the Administration to reject it.

For more information on the WHO’s Pandemic Preparedness Agreement, click here.